According to Friedrich Froebel, at Footprints Daycare, we believed that

“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child’s soul.”

That in play, children construct their understanding through direct experience with it.

Play is the core foundation of Footprints Daycare. It is understood to be essential to the healthy social and cognitive development of children. It is through playing that the children explore, investigate and learn new things.

We believe that children are curious, competent, full of potential, and born with an intrinsic desire and capacity to learn. Therefore, we create a learning environment that stimulates the children in all five areas of development (social, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional).

Classroom Layout

Our preschool is divided into four groups or areas, plus the learning centers. These groups consist of the block area, dramatic play area, book area, and reading area. Our learning centers have manipulative/table toys, sand, water, science, nature, and circle time.

Children can choose the area where they would like to explore the activities. Materials are added in every center, preferably suited to the weekly theme.

Our onsite kitchen has a dishwasher, microwave, and fridge. Our washrooms are child-fit with tiny toilets for easy access to children. We also have a diaper-changing station for infants and toddlers.

Our objective is to have a harmonious relationship between Footprints Daycare operators, staff, and parents/guardians. Through this collaboration, we can create a pleasant and vibrant atmosphere for children, providing them a fun and happy environment and making their learning experience more enjoyable.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email and speak with the director/operator.


  • My son has been attending Footprints Daycare since they first opened. With this being our first daycare experience, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I can easily say we love this daycare. Each day my son is greeted with a smile and much love. Every day, I know he's going to be well cared for by the wide staff of loving, caring individuals. They put a lot of care into each day for the children through many different activities, like singing and dancing, crafts and games and I love hearing about their trips to the park. They're always sure to let me know how my son's day went, whether he ate and enjoyed his lunch or not, (that being said, they're always sure he's fed, whether he likes what I've packed him or not.) Another thing I also greatly appreciate, is knowing he's getting a proper nap in each day. Which I know he needs. Overall, I'm very happy with this daycare, the staff, and all they do for every child in their care.

Want to start your adventure in our daycare? Feel free to write or call us!